Digital revolution in dealing with officials postponed, or a few words about e-Delivery....

Entrepreneurs who want to focus on business development, They do not have excess free time, who are mobile, entrepreneurs using a Virtual Office such as ours Office31 have long sought to  Replace all personal contacts in Offices like Social Security, US (KAS), Courts (KRS) and arrange everything online.

In recent years, a number of facilitations for entrepreneurs have emerged, we have platforms like S24 (registration and operation of companies), PUE (Platform for Electronic Services) ZUS, EPUAP, and most recently e-Tax Office.

All of this is gratifying, but to happiness, in addition to the handling of any range of cases by existing platforms, there was still lacking a tool to motivate officials to move into the 21st century, this is the so-called "new" tool. eDOVERVIEW.

The problem with electronic communication with Social Security, the US, the Courts today is that there is no tool, perhaps also no laws, to force officials, if only at the request of the entrepreneur, to communicate with him through electronic channels.

Platforms such as EPUAP, which, by the way, has a correspondence function, and its address we can provide, for example, in CEIDG or PUE allow communication with the US/ZUS, but unfortunately the offices do not use this option, perhaps they can't (no relevant law). In case of errors in the documents sent to the US/US, in case of a tax inspection or any other irregularities, officials still use traditional methods of communication - they write letters, which are delivered (or not) by the Polish Post. This involves a number of inconveniences, which were supposed to be solved by the eDOVERVIEW.

eDorations is, in short, the equivalent of E-Mail for communication with public institutions. It is intended to be a communication that is secure (encrypted), reliable and gives both parties confirmation that the correspondence has been sent, delivered, received and read. At the same time, the lack of reading does not exempt the Entrepreneur Of consequence (as in the case of a registered letter).

Law on eDorations was adopted in November 2020 (Journal of Laws 2020 item 2320), and E-Delivery was supposed to be introduced on July 1, 2021. This did not happen, however, and the deadline was postponed to October 5, 2021. The government announced, however, that although E-Delivery on October 5, 2021 officially began, it will be implemented to individual offices gradually and slowly, very slowly, here is the schedule:

  • NFZ, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), KRUS, state control and law protection authorities and budget units serving these authorities - July 5, 2022.

  • Government administration bodies and budget units serving these bodies, public trust professions - July 5, 2022.

  • Local government units and their unions - January 1, 2024.

  • Public entities not previously mentioned - January 1, 2025.

  • Courts and tribunals, bailiffs, prosecutors, law enforcement and the Prison Service -. October 1, 2029.

It is a great pity! We will have to wait a few more years for the digital revolution and a situation where all correspondence between entrepreneurs and officials at the request of the entrepreneur will have to take place digitally.

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