The end of referrals, e-revolution in dealing with the IRS, Social Security and other offices is coming

The thing is e-Delivery.

The Ministry of Digitization has just announced that by December 10, 2023, offices (including the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security and others), must use the e-Government system.

What does this mean? If you set up an e-Delivery box, you will receive important documents online, instead of the standard registered letter. This is supposed to be fast, convenient and, importantly, completely secure and free of charge.

This is a revolution, as it affects the speed of the circulation of documents, and most importantly, by activating the service we protect ourselves from a situation where the letter carrier lost our letter or advice note, delivered it too late, and yet it is we as citizens, entrepreneurs who suffered the legal consequences.

We encourage everyone, our customers and not only, to set up an e-Delivery box for themselves. Details under via this link.

Update 15.07.2024:

Unfortunately, officials have failed, the deadline for the implementation of e-Delivery in Tax Offices has been postponed to 1.01.2025, more information under link.

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