The digital revolution in contacting officials postponed, i.e. a few words about e-Deliveries (e-Deliveries)....
Entrepreneurs who wish to focus on developing their business activity value their free time. Entrepreneurs who use virtual office services (e.g. Office31) have for a long time been trying to find alternatives to personal contacts in official offices, such as ZUS (Social Insurance Institution), US (Revenue Office), KAS (National Revenue Administration), the courts (KRS - National Court Register), preferring to handle everything online.
Recent years have seen an influx of online facilities for entrepreneurs, e.g. S24 (registration and operation of companies), PUE (Platform of Electronic Services), EPUAP (Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services), and e-Inland Revenue.
While this is all welcome, what satisfaction lacked was a tool to motivate offices to move into the 21st century (e-Delivery).
One problem with electronic communication with ZUS, US and the courts lies in the lack of a tool (and perhaps also Acts) that would facilitate offices in communication with entrepreneurs via electronic channels.
Platforms such as EPUAP (which by the way is able to handle correspondence, and allows you may use that address in your CEIDG (Business Activity Central Register and Information Record) and PUE registers, enable communication with US/ZUS. Unfortunately, those two offices do not use this option, or perhaps they may not use it (due to the lack of a relevant Act). In the event of errors in documents sent to ZUS/US, in a fiscal audit or for any other irregularities, those offices still use traditional methods of communication, and write letters to be delivered (or not) by the Polish Post Office. This has a plethora of inconveniences that were supposed to be resolved by e-Delivery.
In short, e-Delivery is an equivalent of an email service to communicate with public institutions. This communication is intended to be safe (encrypted), reliable and to assure both parties that their correspondence was sent, delivered, received and read. As in the case of registered letters, the fact that an entrepreneur has not read the correspondence does not release them from consequences.
The e-Delivery Act was adopted in November 2020 (Journal of Laws 2020, item 2320), and e-Delivery was supposed to be implemented on July 1, 2021. This did not happen, with the date being postponed to October 5, 2021. The government announced that although e-Delivery had officially come into force, they would be gradually and very slowly implemented in particular offices. Here is the schedule:
- NFZ (National Health Fund), ZUS, KRUS (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund), state control and law enforcement authorities and the budgetary units serving these authorities - July 5, 2022
- Government administration authorities and the budgetary units serving these authorities - July 5, 2022
- Local government units and their associations - January 1, 2024
- Public entities not yet mentioned - January 1, 2025
- Courts and tribunals, debt collectors, Prosecutor's office, law enforcement authorities and prison services -. 1 October 2029
What a pity! We still have to wait several years for the digital revolution and the reality where correspondence between entrepreneurs and offices done digitally and on demand.
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