Hello Warsaw! From now on we also operate @ Wwa - Mokotów

After the success in Poznan, it was time for Warsaw.
We are opening our new branch in Warsaw!
This is another step forward for us, further development and new services for our customers.
Location - Mokotów , Pytlasińskiego 16/13, 00-777
Are you starting a new business, opening a company? Do you want to remain anonymous on the Internet, are you a freelancer and don't have the authority to register your business locally? Are you planning a new startup?
For various other reasons you don't want or can't have a business registered in your apartment?
- transformation of the perpetual usufruct of an apartment - no discount - de minimis aid
- high electricity/gas bills for entrepreneurs, even though you do not directly conduct business in the apartment
- The risk of you and your family being stalked by customers at your place of residence
Virtual office is the solution for you!
Sign the contract (online) and you will receive :
- address for company registration and receipt of correspondence
- Automatic, contactless access to the office premises 24/7
- 10 hours of access to the premises in a package e.g. for a meeting with a client
- e-mail notification of new correspondence to be received with a photo of the letter/aviso
- access to the Customer Panel
- possibility of scanning - additional service
Office31 is a cost-effective virtual office service tailored for anyone who doesn't want or need to pay for things they don't need and wants to focus on growing their business.
All this for only PLN 295.20 gross / year.
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